Stop the summer slide in reading with these recently released books appropriate for ages 4-8
Packed with highly readable "bite" sized facts and vibrant photographs and graphics will put a check on that summer slide and keep young readers engaged for hours.
the vibrant photgraphs and graphics also make the books highly readable, a plus for beginning readers.
Young readers will be amazed, pour over, and exclaim out loud can spend hours browsing over breathtaking photos of leaping frogs, swooping owls, and lumbering buffalo in their natural environments. Each chapter explains how and why the animals move the way they do and succinct captions accompanying the illustrations provide specific facts on the animals depicted in that chapter. Some chapters highlight a particular animal, such as the cheetah. Brilliant photographs and succient captions describe how andw hy the animal moves the way it does. An "Info Bites" Box describes where the animal lives, size, etc.
Animals on the Move
animal lovers will discover that:
the fastest land animal is the cheetah with a speed of up to 70 miles per hour.

did you know that St. Bernard pups are born blind?
that when the first baby croc is ready to hatch it calls out to its siblings?
CHECK Additionally each book has extension activities as mentioned in the reviews below. All books are well-organized with a table of contents, index, and glossary and will serve well as research starters and providing hours of fun browsing.
All titles in this series include a variety extension activities. Try "Wild Activities" in Wild Animals and have children use their bodies in the same way animals do to communicate: bowing is "wolfish" for "let's play." A fun and different kind of foot race will have children waddling like geese, leaping and jumping like goats, etc., to the finish line to find out which animal is fastest. For those interested in more fun and learning, check out the Resources page for places to visit and books and websites to read.
Some of the proceeds from this series go " to support Animal Planet's R.O.A.R. (Reach Out. Act. Respond.) campaign " ...which partners with leading animal organization to make the world a better place for domestic and wild animals." Partners include the Jane Goodall Foundation, Equus, the National Wildlife Federation, and more. Visit this page for more information, activities, and how you and your children can help.